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Business Plan for Food Supplement


Business Plan for Food supplement

Word count 2736


Table of Contents
1. Elevator pitch
2. Identified Customers’ needs and problems
2.1 Target markets
2.2 Market size and growth
3. The product/ service
3.1 Outline of the product and how it meets the identified needs
3.2 How does it work
3.3 Key features of the product
4. Alternatives and competitors
4.1 Porter’s five forces theory for “Natural Energy”
4.2 Unique selling point
5. Market entry/ supply chain
5.1 Marketing strategy
5.2 Advertising strategy
5.3 Supply chain
5.4 Long term plans
6. Financial outlook

Additional information


1. Elevator pitch

Now a day’s biggest threat which this generation face is various health issues. One of main reason for this issue is unhealthy diets which people have to get in their busy life style. However now there is a developing trend among communities to do regular exercises or go to gym. They are looking for food supplement which can get additional nutrition but most of food supplements available in the market could be caused to side effects. “Natural Energy” is a natural food supplement which is recognized by National Medicines Regulatory Authority (NMRA) and doctors are recommended it as food supplement which has not any side effects. “Natural Energy” is good for anyone who looking for food supplement to add additional nutrition, anyone who looking for healthy diet and also anyone who has health issues. This is a completely natural food supplement which include horse gram “Kollu”, garlic, ginger and cinnamon. This product helps to weight loss and regulates blood glucose level, blood pressure, cholesterol and reduce flatulence and many health issues.

2. Identified Customers’ needs and problems

The main health issue of Sri Lanka is that spreading non communicable diseases (NCD). According to World Health Organization (WHO), non-communicable diseases cause to 75% of death of Sri Lanka. Cardiovascular diseases cause 40% of the death, further cancers, diabetes and other NCDs cause respectively 10%, 7% and 10% of death. And also according to The Diabetes Association of Sri Lanka (DASL), there are closely four million diabetics in Sri Lanka (, 2016). It is identified that 23% of people have two or more risk factors of diabetes in urban people between 5 to 40 age group (DASL, 2017). Urban populations (16.4%) display a higher incidents on diabetes over a rural population (8.7%) (Daniel, 2009). Further one out of third people in Sri Lanka have high blood pressure and also out of third of women are overweighed. Therefore these people who has some health issues are looking for natural food supplement.
And also people are conscious about wellness and healthy life time. They tend to go gymnasium, practice yoga or do regular exercises. These communities, health centers and trainers can be targeted for the product. Further young athletes are looking for energetic food supplement. Hence, this product is good for them too. Required recommendations have been taken from doctors and sport ministry to introduce the product to athletes.
Currently the biggest challenge which is faced by corporate employees is difficulty to manage the time due to busy life style. Therefore most likely corporate individuals have to take fast foods for their convenient. Therefore corporate individuals need a food supplement which can get required nutrition quickly. Corporate individuals who work in urban areas can be targeted for this products. Further these corporate individuals are looking for healthy food for their children. “Natural Energy” is good source of protein therefore this product could be recommended for vegetarian.