Change Management – Asiri Hospitals


Change Management – Asiri Hospitals

Word Count 3159


Change management plan and report

You are required to choose one Health and Social Care organisation on which to base your
assignment. You are advised to check with your tutor that your choice is appropriate.
For your chosen Health and Social Care organisation complete a management plan and
The following requirements need to be addressed when preparing the management plan and
• Analyse factors that drive change.
• Describe underpinning theories of change management.

• Describe approaches, tools and techniques that support the change process.

• Explain the importance of effective change management for service provision.
• Create a plan and implement effective change within a Health and Social Care
• Assess and select relevant tools and techniques to implement and manage change.
• Develop a plan to implement a change in an organisation.
• Develop measures to monitor and evaluate progress of the change plan.
• Apply a stakeholder analysis to understand possible resistance to change.
• Critically appraise relevant strategies to manage resistance to change in organisations.
• Evaluate the effectiveness of quality systems, policies and procedures used in a Health
and Social Care setting
• Analyse factors that influence the achievement of quality in the Health and Social Care
• Suggest ways in which the Health and Social Care service could improve quality of
service provision

Additional information

Table of Contents

Factors driving change
Internal Factors
External Factors
Change Management
Importance of Change Management
Change Management in Asiri Hospitals
The Plan
McKinsey’s 7’s model
Lewin’s Model
Measuring the Performance
Stakeholder Analysis
Managing Resistance to Change
Importance of Quality Systems
Improving the Quality of Service Provided



Asiri Hospitals group of companies currently has seven hospitals operating within Sri Lanka. One of the main problems the group currently having is with their ERP system. Currently they have different systems in place for different functions and there is no proper centralized ERP system in place. Since there is no such system, the company has to undergo lots of difficulties and manual work in their daily operations as well as in preparation of financial statements. Thus, this report will focus on introducing a complete ERP system to Asiri Group which will serve all stakeholders both internal and external.

Factors driving change

Simply, change is a difference in the current operating procedures which introduces new operating procedures. There are many factors driving and supporting a change. An organization should focus on those factors to ensure that the change they require is properly implemented as they plan. These factors can be generated from both internal and external environments.

Internal Factors

Strategy – Asiri hospitals are the leading private care hospitals in Sri Lanka. They try to offer a good service at an affordable price. Having a good ERP system will help the group to provide a good service to their customers since the accuracy and the efficiency of the service will increase. (Waddell, 1998)
Leadership – Asiri group is led by experienced board of directors who have set the strategy and made the group the number one healthcare provider in Sri Lanka. They will continue doing so while facing change and enabling proper processes and procedures to ensure a quality service. (Waddell, 1998)
Employees – The group has a set of well experienced and dedicated employees who are providing their service well to the customers. Since those employees are active people, their attitudes and reactions will also have a direct impact on the change the group is expecting to adopt.
Resources – The available resources of the company will decide the change and will play a major role in defining the success.

External Factors

Political – The current unstable political situation is impacting the operations negatively. The laws and regulations imposed are changing rapidly, where the healthcare service providers have to adopt such changes fast. (Mosadeghrad, 2014)
Economic – The current hyperinflationary situation faced by the country is making the lifestyle of people hard. The rising prices are decreasing the Hospitals profits with increased costs and less revenue.
Social – The attitude towards private medication is positive in the society. In comparison to the public hospitals, people expect higher standards and higher service quality from private hospitals. (Mosadeghrad, 2014)
Technology – The technology penetration among people is high. Specially the youth are addicted to technology which could be positively used for marketing purposes. Further, the quality of service could be quickened and enhanced using technology.