Corporate communication strategy of Hemas Holdings


Corporate communication strategy of Hemas Holdings

Word Count: 2,218


Discussing the purpose of corporate communication strategies.
Assess how corporate communications link to corporate objectives.
Analyze the relationship between corporate communication and corporate branding.
Plan an internal corporate communications audit.
Conduct an internal corporate communications audit.
Critically evaluate the effectiveness of current levels of practice.
Plan an external corporate communications audit.
Critically evaluate the effectiveness of current levels of practice.
Plan the objectives of a corporate communication strategy
Select the audiences to influence with a corporate communications strategy.
Select the audiences to influence with a corporate communications strategy.

Additional information

Table of contents

Table of Contents

1.0 Corporate communication strategy
1.1 Purpose of the corporate communication strategy
1.2 Corporate communication and corporate objectives
1.3 Corporate communication and corporate branding
2.0 Corporate communication audit.
2.1 Internal corporate communication audit.
2.2 External corporate communication audit
3.0 Effectiveness of current corporate communication practices of Hemas
4.0 Corporate communication strategy.
4.1 objectives of corporate communication strategy
4.2 Audiences influence by corporate communication strategy
4.3 Monitoring corporate communication strategy


Executive Summary

Now corporate communication has become key strategic factor in the current business environment. Corporate communication is responsible for coordinating and administrating the work which is doing by expertise in difference specialized aspects such as public affairs, media relations and internal communication. This study will discuss on corporate communication process of the Hemas Holdings. Hemas Holding is one of leading Conglomerate Company in Sri Lanka which operate many sectors such as FMCG, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, mobility and leisure.


Corporate communication is a management function which dedicated to communicate the information to key stakeholders about the implementation of corporate strategy and the development of messages for various purposes inside and outside of the organization. It helps to organization to maintain favorable reputation among stakeholders by explaining company vison, mission and values to the stakeholders (Diasz, 2017). Hemas Holding is a listed company in Colombo stock exchange and corporate communication paly significant role in a public company since company has to communicate all share price sensitive information to shareholders. Except for the investor relationships, corporate communication requires for employee relations, government relations, media relations, community relations and etc.

1.0 Corporate communication strategy.

1.1 Purpose of the corporate communication strategy.

Corporate communication strategy refers a strategy that promote an effective corporate culture and uniqueness and maintain proper relationship with all communication channels. It support overall business strategy and objectives by communicating accountable way in all situation.
Basic purpose of day to day communication is that informing others and getting informed. This lead to all employees work towards same set of goals. When work towards to achieve desired objectives, performance of activities need to be evaluated constantly. In the dynamic nature of the functions, corporate communication is essential to get accurate feedback of the evaluation. Further proper communication among management and employees is required to direct various department to particular goal. Training and delegation cannot be occurred without proper communication. Motivation is key element to success in corporate world. Motivational forces are provided and stimulated to employees through communication (Thayer, 1986)