Impact of work stress on job satisfaction of employees in apparel sector in Sri Lanka


Impact of work stress on job satisfaction of employees in apparel sector in Sri Lanka

Word count 14952


Table of Contents



Chapter 01

1.0 Introduction.

1.2 Research problem identification

1.3 Statement of the Problem.

1.4 Research Questions

1.5 Aims and Objectives

1.6 Significance of the study

1.7 Chapter outline

Chapter 02.

2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Job Stress

2.2 Definitions of Job Stress

2.2.1 Different types of stress

2.3 Models related to job stress

2.3.1 Symptoms and outcomes of the job stress

2.3.2 Stress mitigation approaches

2.4 Impact of stress on non-managerial employees

2.5 Impact of stress on managerial employees

2.6 Dimensions of Job Stress

2.6.1 Work Demand / Job Demand

2.6.2 Job related Control

2.6.3 Job Role.

2.6.4 Job related support

2.6.5 Job Related Change.

2.7 Job satisfaction of employees

2.7.1 Intrinsic factors of employees’ job satisfaction.

2.7.2 Extrinsic Factors of employees’ job satisfaction.

2.8 Job stress and employees’ job satisfaction.

Chapter 03.

3.0 Research Methodology.

3.1 Introduction.

3.2 Research paradigm.

3.2.1 Research philosophy.

3.2.2 Research approach.

3.2.3 Research strategy.

3.2 Conceptual Framework.

3.3 Hypotheses Development

3.4 Operationalization.

3.5 Research Design.

3.5.1 Study setting.

3.5.2 Data sources

3.5.3 Unit of analysis

3.6 Population and sampling.

3.6.1 Population.

3.6.2 Sampling technique.

3.6.3 Sample size.

3.7 Research instruments

3.7.1 Data collection.

3.7.2 Statistical tools

3.8 Limitations of the study.

Chapter 04.

4.0 Data presentation and Analysis

4.1 introduction.

Chapter 05.

5.0 Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1 Introduction.

5.2 Summary of the research.

5.3 Recommendations

5.4 Suggestions for future research studies

5.5 Conclusion.

References ad bibliography

Additional information


Chapter 01


1.0 Background of the study

Sri Lanka’s apparel industry provide immense contribution to Sri Lanka’s economy. It is one the highest foreign income earning industries in Sri Lanka. Approximately, half of Sri Lanka’s total exports are generated from the apparel and textile sector which was $ 5 billion in 2019 even though it was reduced in 2020 due to Covid-19 pandemic(Central bank, 2020). 15% of total work force of Sri Lanka is employed in apparel sector (Export development board, 2019). Sri Lanka’s apparel industry has gained a solid reputation among top fashion and textile brands in the world for high quality apparel and ethical manufacturing practices. Compared to other Asian competitors such as India and Bangladesh, Sri Lanka maintains ethical labor practices. Thus, world renowned fashion brands such as Nike, Adidas, Victoria’s secret etc. prefer to outsource their production process to Sri Lankan companies due to higher standard of ethical business aspects. Therefore, sustainable labor practices can be identified as one of the key competitive advantages of the business.
Workers of apparel sector have strict targets and often key performance indicators (KPI) associated with achieving higher production efficiency (Ubayachandra, 2011). Thus, especially among factory workers, job stress can be considered as common phenomenon. Stress can affect every type of workers in the factory setting on many different levels. Since, famous fashion brands highly concern about employees’ satisfaction and welfare, thus high management need to seriously concern about stress levels of employees and how it affects to their job satisfaction.

1.2 Research problem identification

It is a common issue among factory workers in apparel sector is that they are stressed out due to heavy work load, lengthy working hours, constant work demand and high pressure of working environment. There are complaints from workers that work stress has negatively impact their psychological peace and it leads to create various issues in their personal lives. Their mental wellbeing also affects to their family members. Further, it negatively affects organizational performances since workers cannot focus on their tasks properly. This also leads to increase employee turnover and as a result of it, cost of recruitment and selection will increase (Thornton, 1996). Further, many researches which were conducted related to apparel sector locally and regionally reveals that stress of employees is relatively high. Stress would negatively impact to employees’ personal life and overall organizational performance.
Therefore, necessary actions need to be taken to improve the employees’ working conditions and to ensure skillful and experience employees are retained with the organization. The key challenges regarding to this are nature of the supply chain and attitude of workers to motivate them to work long term in the organization. Sustainable practices of Sri Lankan apparel sector including concepts such as “garment without guilt” paly key role of value proposition which Sri Lankan apparel sector offers (Kelegama, 2005). Job stress of factory workers could makes negative impact to this competitive advantage. Therefore, it is important to identify impact of job stress on job satisfaction of employees and take corrective actions.
Considering different sector like banking sector, job stress and heavy work load leads to reduce the overall job satisfaction and mental wellbeing of employees even though physical activity level of employees is minimum (Wijesinghe and Athauda, 2011). Therefore, this could be the major concern in apparel sector too. Employee turnover is a common issue of factories of apparel sector. Some workers never returns after they leave for holidays. This is a common scenario of many garment factories and factory management faces difficulties to meet the production targets on time due to this. This could be the result of job stress. Therefore, it is important to examine this.
As highlighted before, the apparel sector is considered as one of main sectors which have high level of job stress. This could make direct impact to its operation and create issues to achieve the standards set by the global fashion brands (Jogaratnam & Buchanan, 2004).

1.3 Statement of the Problem

This study focuses on identifying whether there is an impact of job stress on overall job satisfaction of factory workers in apparel sector in Sri Lanka. Research question of the study can be developed as below.
How job stress impacts on the level of employee satisfaction of factory workers of factory workers in apparel sector in Sri Lanka?

1.4 Research Questions

1. Is there any relationship between job demand and job satisfaction level of factory workers of apparel sector.
2. Is there any relationship between job related control and job satisfaction level of factory workers of apparel sector.
3. Is there any relationship between job related change and job satisfaction level of factory workers of apparel sector.
4. Is there any relationship between job related support and job satisfaction level of factory workers of apparel sector.
5. Is there any relationship between job role and job satisfaction level of factory workers of apparel sector.
6. Is there any relationship between overall job stress and job satisfaction level of factory workers of apparel sector.

1.5 Aims and Objectives

The general aim of this study is to identify the impact of job stress on job satisfaction regarding the employees of apparel sector in Sri Lanka. This will help both academics and practitioners to understand the key drivers of the employee job stress and how these drivers affect the employee overall job satisfaction levels as a whole and individually within the context of Sri Lankan apparel sector. Within the initial literature review, five key dimensions of employee job stress have been identified. The following research objectives can be set within this context.
1. To identify whether there is any relationship between job demand and job satisfaction level of apparel employees
2. To identify whether there is any relationship between job control and job satisfaction level of apparel employees
3. To examine whether there is any relationship between change and job satisfaction level of apparel employees
4. To examine whether there is any relationship between job support and job satisfaction level of apparel employees
5. To identify whether there is any relationship between job role and job satisfaction level of apparel employees