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Research Critique – Impact of extreme weather events and climate change for health and social care systems


Research Critique – Impact of extreme weather events and climate change for health and social care systems

Word Counts 2237


You are required to undertake a research critique of a research article relating to Health and Social Care. The article should be research based (for example a peer reviewed journal)

You are advised to check with your tutor that your choice is appropriate.
The following points need to be addressed when preparing the critique:
• Justify the contribution of research to health and social provision
• Critically evaluate a range of research philosophies
• Examine different approaches to research
• Analyse the ethical aspects of research
• Explain types and sources of research data
• Analyse data using appropriate approaches
• Draw conclusions from data collected
• Analyse the relationship between research and evidence based practice
• Evaluate an existing piece of research relevant to Health and Social Care
• Analyse the contribution of research and evidence based practice to decision making

It is suggested that the format should take the following form
• Focus
• Background
• Aim
• Methodological approach
• Data collection method/ tools
• Data analysis and presentation
• Sample
• Ethical considerations
• Main Findings
• Conclusions and recommendations
• Strengths and limitations
• Application to practice

Additional information

Table of Contents

Methodological approach
Data collection method/ tools
Data analysis and presentation
Ethical considerations
Main Findings
Conclusions and recommendations
Strengths and limitations
Application to practice



The base of the healthcare industry is depending on the research. The research conducted before on the human body, various diseases and how to cure them have made the base of the current health care system in place. With each of the discoveries made via such research, the level of treatments offered and the medicines used to cure diseases were improved, where even some discoveries made in the history of the healthcare research have eradicated certain diseases from the human history, saving thousands of human lives. Further since such research have improved the quality of healthcare, the life expectancy of the human has increased in a considerable amount. The research conducted now are contributing to the future of this industry, which makes the research conducted being the foundation of the healthcare industry. (Fitzpatrick et al, 2014)
The environmental and climate changes are not new to the world. With the development of technologies, the environmental pollutions around the world increased. The humankind did not mostly care about the pollution they cause, until it came to an irreversible level. Due to this pollution caused, there were many issues created within the nature, which impacted the lives of the human. The common examples of such issues created are, floods, landslides, temperature changes, global warming etc. While the human is now working towards striking the balance within the environment, still the impacts created by nature is causing disasters to the human around the world. (McMichael et al, 2007)
The human body is a marvelous creation of the nature, which is adaptive to the external environment they live in. However, there may be scenarios where the human body is unable to adopt to the changes in the external environment which may cause issues for the human body and the health conditions. One such common example is many people get affected due to extreme weather conditions which are natural occurrences. Not only the human body, all the services and operations the human conduct are directly impacted from such bad natural weather conditions.
While there are many such types of extreme weather conditions, this research paper is focused on heatwaves, cold waves and Flooding and their impact to the human created healthcare systems. People are affected from such extreme weather conditions and sometimes the healthcare systems in place are also disturbed in many different ways which impacts the productivity levels. This research is conducted in analyzing such instances and occurrences and focuses on providing recommendations to reduce the impact of such occurrences.