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Strategic Management in a New Global Scenario


Strategic Management in a New Global Scenario

Word Count 2272


Strategic management in a new global scenario

Demand change for consumer goods is caused mainly by changes in disposable income and lifestyles. Demand changes are also influenced by competition and marketing strategies of firms. There is also an intense concern and compulsion for Corporate Values and Social Responsibility due to socio economic impacts caused by rapid industrial growth, competition, and Government intervention in the contemporary business world. Thus, the old concept of business which rested on profit maximization later shifted to customer satisfaction and his long-term welfare. The business philosophy has gone further to embrace the “Three Ps”, People, Planet and profits.  Thus, opportunities, innovations, and competition have to be managed within this new framework.


  1. Critically analyze how globalization and international trade caused an increasing influence on business ethics and social responsibility in the contemporary business world.
  2. Strategic capability, competitive advantage, and superior customer services are considered as the three strategic pillars of sustainable growth of a business organization. What are the critical impacts of demand changes on the said three elements?
  3. Constant changes are a part of business organizations. Changes can also create new opportunities or threats. However, changes are often resisted by those who are affected by changes.  How would you manage a change while ensuring support and participation of all concerned?
  4. Changes are successfully implemented by leaders who have a long-term vision and skills in managing people. What are the qualities of leaders who are likely to make effective changes in Sri Lanka where there exists a multi-cultural society?

Additional information

Table of Contents

Task 01
Impact of globalization and international trade on business ethics.
Impact of globalization and international trade on Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR)

Task 02
Impacts of demand changes on strategic capabilities
Impacts of demand changes on competitive advantage
Impacts of demand changes on superior customer service

Task 03
How to manage a change while ensuring support and participation of all concerned

Task 04
Transformational leadership



Task 01

Currently, international trade and globalization have completely changed the dynamics of business world. Here, it is analyzed how globalization and international trade influence on business ethics and social responsibility in the contemporary business world.
Globalization can be defined as the integration and convergence of economic and technological forces through the different geographical markets that decrease cost and assist the mobility of products, services, knowledge, people and funds throughout the geographical borders (Diasz, 2017). Globalization leads to increase international trade. International trade is an exchanging goods and services between different countries without considering borders (CFI, 2022).
Early days, international trade mainly focused on profit maximization by using low labor cost, entering new markets, supplying raw materials etc. However, now globalization and international trade cause increasing influence on business ethics and social responsibility in the modern business world. Now businesses focus not only Profit but also impact on People and Planet (Diasz, 2017).
Impact of globalization and international trade on business ethics.
Business ethics can be identified as moral rights and wrongs specialized for business institutions, organizations and business activities (Candy, 2013). Globalization led to open up national economies by removing financial and economic barriers (Daniels, et al., 2007). It led to increase free trade between countries which eliminate monopolies in markets (Daniels, et al., 2007). Therefore, customers rights are secured by having them access to products and services they prefer. It eliminates unethical business practices such as unfair price increases etc. due to market competition.
Further, with the social development of western markets, customers concern on ethical practices of businesses before make purchasing decision. Thus, global businesses focus on keep its whole value chain free from unethical practices. Globalization and international trade enables companies to outsource some of its processes to other countries. Not like early days, in modern business world, companies focus on welfare of employees, improve to working condition of employees, avoid unethical and illegal practices such as child laboring etc. Further, European and American companies follows ethical practices such as gender equality, zero discrimination, sustainability, zero emission etc. Other companies also tempt follow these ethical concepts due partnerships developed through globalization and international trade.