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Initiate and Lead Applied Research Work


Initiate and lead applied research work

Word Count 2529


1. Describe communication processes and the importance of such when conducting applied research.
2. Describe four communication methods that you may consider using in relation to applied research.
3. Explain three data collection methods. Include at least one manual method, as well as one method that uses technology and one method that uses technology services.
4. Explain three data analysis methods. Include at least one manual method, as well as one method that uses technology and one method that uses technology services.
5. Explain legal requirements that apply to the handling and storing of data when conducting research.
6. Explain legal requirements that apply to privacy of data when conducting research.
7. Explain legal requirements that apply to freedom of information when conducting research.
8. Explain the key steps in the applied research process that may be referred to in policies, procedures and guidelines relating to applied research.
9. Describe three presentation techniques that could be used for applied research.
10. Describe two ways of reporting on research.
11. Explain the concept of research ethics.
12. Review the following Code of Conduct and summarise in your own words the key principles of responsible research:
13. Outline three examples of applied research tools and how they are applied during research.
14. Give three examples of applied research methods and outline how they are applied during research.

Additional information

Table of Contents

1) Importance of communication processes when conducting applied research.
2) Communication methods using in relation to applied research.
3) Data collection methods
4) Data analysis methods
5) Legal requirements that apply to the handling and storing of data when conducting research.
6) Legal requirements that apply to privacy of data when conducting research.
7) Legal requirements that apply to freedom of information when conducting research.
8) Key steps in the applied research process that may be referred to in policies, procedures and guidelines relating to applied research
9) Three presentation techniques that could be used for applied research
10) Two ways of reporting on research
11) The concept of research ethics.
12) Code of conduct
13) Examples of applied research tools
14) Examples of applied research methods


1) Importance of communication processes when conducting applied research.

Communication simply means transfer the information between two or more people (Diasz, 2017). Communication process consists with sender, information need to be sent, communication channel and receiver (Diasz, 2017). Communication process is the important part of applied research. Applied research does not focus on building up new theories even though it could be grounded in theories (Carmack, 2020). Applied research focuses on finding practical solutions for social or organizational issues. Thus, finding of applied research should be understandable to even the non-experts. Therefore, proper communication should be there to interpret and translate complex findings of research to simple terms. When conducting primary research, participants should be properly informed on the purpose of the research. In data collection process, researchers should have proper communication with the participants.

2) Communication methods using in relation to applied research.

There are many communication methods. Following four communication methods can be used in relation to applied research.
Meetings – This is a commonly used communication method. This is a verbal communication method conducted through face to face conversation. It is a communication method that can address larger or small audiences.
Visual communication – This is communication method which illustrates information through graphic designs, drawings, videos, figures etc. This method is widely used to elaborate information more. This is a suitable method to communicate the findings of the research.
Emails – This is a written communication method widely used in corporate world. This is a very effective method which can address any amount of people promptly and cost effectively. This method can be mainly used throughout conducting research.
Social media – Social media has become one of the most powerful communication method. Researchers can use social media as platform to collect data and also share the findings.