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Lead Innovative Thinking and Practice – King Edward VII College Case Study


Lead Innovative Thinking and Practice – King Edward VII College Case Study


Section 1 – Understand innovation in your organisation

  1. Describe the organisation you are basing this project on.
  2. Research innovation:
    • Choose at least one past and one current innovation theory. Compare and contrast these theories and the associated thinking behind these theories.
    • Summarise relevant workplace conditions, including:
      • specific conditions that facilitate innovation (e.g. critical thinking).
      • specific issues that impact innovative thinking and creativity.
    • Analyse at least two potential barriers and two potential risks associated with introducing and maintaining innovation in an organisation
    • Describe strategies that may be used to respond to the barriers/risks.
    • Summarise at least four techniques and tools that can be used in your organisation to generate ideas and facilitate creative thinking.
    • Identify three examples of leadership styles and discuss the impact on innovation, specifically whether the style of innovation encourages or inhibits innovation within an organisation.
  3. Research, analyse and review the culture of innovation in your organisation. Include:
    • An analysis of internal and external environmental culture and trends that shape your organisation’s:
      • current thinking and practice regarding innovation.
      • future thinking and practice regarding innovation.
    • A review of innovation drivers and enablers in your organisation.
    • An assessment of the current resources that are available to ensure innovation occurs.
  4. Summarise the requirements necessary to lead innovation in your organisation. Include:
    • an assessment of at least three requirements to integrate innovation as a sustainable part of your organisation’s activities.
    • a list of at least two ways to:
      • capture ideas and practices relating to innovation in your organisation.
      • communicate with stakeholders relating to innovation (different methods may be appropriate for different stakeholders).
      • promote the transfer of relevant innovation knowledge within in your organisation.
    • a summary of at least two strategies that may be implemented in your organisation to foster a workplace culture that encourages innovation.
    • Review at least two innovative practices, processes, products and/or services that may suit and be implemented in your organisation.
    • Conduct a cost/benefit analysis of implementing innovation strategies, practices, processes and systems. Present the information in an appropriate format (e.g. table and/or graph).

Section 2: Lead and support innovation in your organisation

  1. Assess your personal leadership style
  2. Develop and apply at least two strategies to make innovation an integral part of your organisation. Complete the table below (you have already identified the strategies in Section 1 of your Project Portfolio).
  3. Establish at least two processes/systems in your organisation by completing the table below. Your processes/systems must: support innovation (and the strategies you developed in the previous question) confirm an ongoing awareness of individual and team contributions to innovative thinking and practice.
  4. Plan to communicate with stakeholders by completing the table below. You need to: communicate with at least two stakeholders, use at least two tools to communicate (e.g. email, verbal, social media etc.), provide at least one resource to support your communication (e.g. fact sheet, flowchart etc.)
  5. Summarise your communication with stakeholder(s)
  6. Confirm that your organisation values a team approach to communication, consultation and development for innovation.

Section 3: Implement and sustain innovation in your organisation

  1. Monitor at least one system/process established on Section 2 of your Project Portfolio that confirms an ongoing awareness of individual and team contributions to innovative thinking and practice:
  2. Plan to generate innovate ideas for your organisation in collaboration with relevant stakeholders by completing the table below. You will meet with at least two stakeholders to:
  3. Summarise the outcomes of your meeting with relevant stakeholders to generate and evaluate innovate ideas for your organisation.
  4. Summarise the feedback from stakeholders about their experience of the meeting to generate and evaluate ideas. Summarise the feedback in the table below.
  5. Complete the table below to identify, evaluate and manage at least two risks associated with the option you selected as part of your stakeholder meeting in the previous question.
  6. Analyse and reflect on your own innovative performance:
  7. Make improvements considering the feedback from stakeholders and your own personal analysis:

Additional information


Section 1: Understand innovation in your organisation

1 Describe the organisation you are basing this project on.

1.1 What is the name of the organisation?
King Edward VII College

1.2 What are the main activities of the organisation?
King Edward VII College is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) that provides training to students in business and management.

1.3 What is your role in the organisation?
I’m the Operations Manager of the College, who overlook the operations of the college. I have been assigned a new task of implementing innovation within the organization.

1.4 How does your role fit into the organisational structure?
The vocational training will play a vital role in preparing the students towards practical challenges they face when they work. The role of an assessor is to support the students to develop skills as well as improve their hands on experience in using the required tools at required time. Further innovative thinking will help the students to succeed in their careers. Since the trainers and assessors are working under me, I will have to play an important role in supporting my subordinates to conduct their work better.

1.5 Identify at least two stakeholders who will be associated with or impacted by innovation in your organisation.
Improvements in innovation will impact the quality of service provided by the college. Since the students are the ultimate beneficiaries of the college, they will be able to benefit from innovative changes.
Employees (Academic & Non-Academic)
Innovation will lead improvements to the current teaching models and quality of work. The efficiency and productivity will be increased as well as the reputation of the College. This will create better working conditions for both the Academic & Non-academic staff of the college.

1.6 How are your identified stakeholders associated with or impacted by innovation?
A simple stakeholder analysis will help to identify the stakeholders impacted by innovation.

1.7 Summarise any existing organisational requirements relating to identifying, introducing and promoting innovative practices, processes, products and/or services (for example, communication policies and procedures, risk management policies and procedures etc.)?
Innovation is something which cannot be isolated and limit to only one function. Innovation will not have limits and it should be integrated to the organization and its culture in order to be successful. Thus, every policy and procedure should be developed or amended to support innovation. The main areas to be incorporated are,
Organization culture – Since the environment will define the way things are done, if the innovation is integrated into organization culture, it will be just another usual process in the organization.
Leading and management – Employees of an organization will follow what their leaders or the management follows. Thus, if the innovation is supported and followed by the organization’s management team, other employees will automatically adapt.
Operations – Innovation could be integrated into the daily operations. This will improve the efficiency and the effort needed on the daily operations.
Recognition and Rewarding – If the innovative ideas are valued and rewarded, employees will act with motivation and will provide innovations which will improve the overall organizational performance.