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Robotic technology in healthcare sector.


Robotic technology in healthcare sector.

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Your managing partner is concerned with how disruptive technology will affect the future jobs and work. S/he would like you to conduct an analysis of what you consider is the most disruptive technological innovation among those that the McKinsey study has identified and prepare a report that critically analyses this disruptive technology’s impact on the nature of work both globally and in the Australian context.

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1.0 Abstract
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Purpose
2.2 Scope
2.3 Research
2.4 Definition
3.0 Literature review
4.0 Research method
5.0 Results and discussion
6.0 Conclusion


1.0 Abstract

Last few decades, robotic technology is mainly used for dangerous and physical difficult jobs. However now more advance robotics has been introduced and it started to use various range of industries due to improvement of artificial intelligence, machine vision, machine to machine communication, sensor and etc. Robotic technology is currently highly used in healthcare sector. Surgical Robotics is a new technology which has been shown as revolutionary in healthcare sector. However still this is in developing stage but some healthcare providers currently highly use in developed countries.

2.0 Introduction

2.1 Purpose

Purpose of this study is that evaluate the development of the robotic surgeries and impact of it. Two hospitals; Royal Adelaide Hospital in Australia and Apollo Hospitals in India have been taken to evaluate the impact of robotic surgeries.
2.2 Scope
Not like traditional robotics, these advance robots have great mobility, flexibility, adaptability and ability to work with and learn from human. Robotic surgery is an exciting technology which has ability to revolutionize healthcare industry. Robot technology provides surgeon to ability to control special surgical instruments which are smaller and flexible than human hand.