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Operational strategy and Industry 4.0 – Hatton National Bank


Operational strategy and Industry 4.0 – Hatton National Bank

Word count 3952


Organization overview
Key forces of change
Key resources and capabilities
Proposed operational strategy
Operation and Marketing
Become an agile business

Additional information

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Executive summary
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Organization overview
1.2 Key forces of change
1.3 Key resources and capabilities
2.0 Proposed operational strategy
3.0 Operation and Marketing
4.0 Become an agile business
5.0 Recommendations
6.0 Conclusion


Executive summary

Due to improvement of digital technology, nature of the businesses has been completely revolutionized. It has completely changed the ideology of traditional way of doing business.
Therefore this study is doing to identify how these changes will affect to the banking industry and as a bank to Hatton National Bank. Further this study will discuss how operational strategy of the bank need to be adopted according to these changes and how it should be implemented all level of the organization. Further this report will discuss how content strategy can be used in the bank and also how implement the adaptation of learning culture to support continuous operational improvement.

1.0 Introduction
The rise of new digital industrial technology has caused to transform the way businesses are operating and it makes huge impact to all the sectors in last few years. This new digital industrial revolution is called “Industry 4.0” which has ability to transform economies, jobs and also societies by introducing new technologies and processes. This has made possible it to collect and analyze the data from machines, more flexible and more efficient processes to provide better quality services or produce better quality products for reasonable costs (Scalabre, 2017). Technologies such as big data analytics, Industrial internet of things, cloud, autonomous robots and networking come under fourth industrial revolution (industry 4.0). Even in Sri Lanka, the impact of industry 4.0 and digitalization can be identified specially in service sector. In this study, it is evaluated that impact of industry 4.0 and digitalization and challenges could be faced as a company and also as a sector.