Organizational behavior and Human Resource Management


Organizational behavior

Word count 2787


  • The most important values of the organization
  • Difference between power influence and leadership
  • Steps of creating high impact personal development plan
  • Involvement of the leader and the subordinates for the group success

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Most important values of the organization

Difference between power, influence and leadership

Various steps of creating high impact personal development plan

Involvement of the leader and the subordinates for the group success


Question 1

Most important values of the organization.

When it comes to ethical leadership, there can be identified several behaviors, motives and values. Managers face dilemmas that make a choice between sets of values and priorities, and the best leaders identify and meet them with the motive of doing the right thing, not just what is advantageous. Values can be defined as concepts representing general behaviors or facts which are considered important by the individual (Diaz, 2017). Therefore, values play a significant role in the overall emotional temperament and can influence behavior in different situations. Different to military institute such as US Marine, in the organization, individuals has different set of values and they are also called as code of ethics. These values can be changed according to the industry such as in healthcare sector there are different set of values. In working environment, values can affect decisions about organizational commitments, relationships with colleagues and join and exit from an organization. Leaders are motivated to act consistently with their values. Some of the values that are considered important to motivate individuals in the organization have been listed below.


When the employees in the workplace know that their leaders are highly credible, they are clearly more willing to make their efforts (Yukl, 2015). On the other hand, when employees believe that their leadership have low credibility, they also believe that leaders are incompetent and lack the personality required to fulfill their responsibilities. Low integrity gives to the fact that the employees do not take the lead to tell the truth and leadership is motivated by greed rather than by real commitment to employees and even customers.


Confident leaders are able to make difficult decisions, bring the troops together, and motivate others to reach their high potential. Employees also demand confidence from their senior leadership, especially in times of uncertainty. According to the study of the University of Melbourne that there is a correlation between career advancement and self-confidence. Other research shows that the most common trait among successful leaders is the highest level of confidence. Further employees feel secure when their leader is confident and leader need to lead by the example.