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Personal Development Plan


Personal development plan

Word count 4560


Using a range of tools and approaches, conduct a gap analysis on the leadership skills required for today’s leader and those you already possess. Following this analysis, create a dynamic career development plan, identifying the skills you need to attain stating (using the SMARTER model), the methodology you intend to use to gain the skills, explaining why you have chosen this approach. 

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Table of Contents

Personal Development Plan (PDA)
Step 1 – Personal Analysis: analyzing strengths and weaknesses
Gap Analysis
Step 2 – Setting Goals: Setting new and definable goals which are measurable
Step 3 – Personal Objectives: Setting own objectives
Appendix A: Building on Strengths
Appendix B: Improving Performance



The concept of leadership continues to improve as the needs of organizational change. Strategic leadership is a relationship through which a person would use power and authority to influence the behavior of subordinates and persuade them to follow a particular course of action (Diasz, 2017). In this section, I am going to assess the gap between my existing skills and required future skills to achieve the strategic ambitions as business development manager. I am using the gap analysis model and SWOT analysis to do my skill evaluation. In addition to that, I have explained what essential skills that I need to develop and how can I do it to achieve my strategic ambition as an effective business leader.
The objective of this report is to prepare personal development plan (PDP) to evaluate the skills and professional competencies and identify the gaps needed to fulfil to achieve the future professional goals. In an organization, goals and objectives are important to strategic planning and objectives need to be turned to the mission and vision into specific measurable targets (Abraham, 2012). Even in personal life, it is important to have clear short term, medium term and long term goals and objectives to make come through the dreams.

Personal Development Plan (PDA)

The tailor-made PDP will help me to evaluate my existing skills and require skills. The aim of creating a PDP is to do a self-analysis, personal reflection and honest appraisal of my strength and weaknesses that I need to develop to join as business development manager of ASDA. Personal development is a continuous lifelong development process which helps me to shape and improve my skills, knowledge and wide range of strategic thinking required to operate in a complex, ambiguous and diverse global environment. Creating PDP will ensure maximum effectiveness and ongoing employability (Cottrell, 2015).
According to my analysis implementing a practical approach to PDP helps me to:
 Identify my current skills; skills need be a strategic leader, how can I achieve future skills
 Quick path to refreshing the practical skills
 Develop transferable skills (self-awareness, ability to learn, adaptability to change, emotional intelligence and excellent time management)
 Monitor and evaluate achievements.