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People & Organization – Hirdaramani Pvt Ltd


People & Organization – Hirdaramani Pvt Ltd

Word count 2734


1.0 Introduction
2.0 Industry norms and behaviors
3.0 Issues and challenges
4.0 Proposed approach and recommendation
5.0 Conclusion

Additional information


1.0 Introduction

The apparel industry is the highest industrial employment generator and the highest foreign exchange provider in Sri Lanka. The clothing sector was established in Sri Lanka in the 1970s, and in the 1980s the apparel industry grew rapidly. When it comes to 1986, garment exports account for the largest share of all exports in Sri Lanka.

In the early phase, however, there were many social problems that had arisen in the apparel industry. In particular, women working as machine operators faced security problems and less social recognition and many other social problems. Women move from rural areas in Sri Lanka to industrial zones to work as machine operators due to the poverty of their families. Even industry-based companies were less concerned about the well-being of workers and machine operators were paid only minimum wages.

In the last two decades, however, the garment industry in Sri Lanka has been completely revolutionized. In particular, companies focused on the well-being of employees and the commitment of Sri Lankan companies to the well-being of employees have become their competitive advantage. Compared to other garment industry based countries, Sri Lankan companies are meeting higher standards of health and safety and employee well-being. As a result, well-known fashion brands are ready to collaborate with Sri Lankan clothing companies. The main apparel companies in Sri Lanka make a significant contribution to the revolutionization of Sri Lanka's industry.

Hirdaramani Pvt Ltd is one of the main clothing companies in Sri Lanka, founded at the end of the 19th century and operating in various fields. Currently, Hirdaramani Pvt Ltd employs more than 60,000 people. The Hirdaramani Group has more than 35 manufacturing facilities in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Vietnam and Ethiopia and increases production capacity by more than 15 million units per month. The Hirdaramani Group delivers products to leading international brands such as Marks & Spencer, Nike, Calvin Klein, Levi's, Adidas, Tommy Hilfiger, etc.

This report extensively evaluate the main management issues of the Hirdaramani Group and further discuss how to overcome those issues.

2.0 Industry norms and behaviors

After Sri Lanka liberalized its economy in 1977, the apparel industry developed rapidly. Today, Sri Lanka is one of the world's leading garment manufacturers and exporters, serving over three decades of world-famous super brands. The clothing industry in Sri Lanka maintains high ethical practices, avoids child labor and forced labor, and is known to the world as a manufacturer of “Garment without guilt ".

In Sri Lanka, apparel companies are mainly divided into three categories: high-standard, medium-standard and standard-standard. Companies such as MAS Holdings and Brandix are subject to high standards and higher social and environmental standards. Furthermore, their pay scale and working conditions are comparatively high. Basic standards businesses are likely to meet compulsory standards, and working conditions and wages are comparatively low in these companies. The Hirdaramani Group is classified as a medium standards company and positions itself between these two categories when it comes to the working conditions and well-being of workers.