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Project Crisis Management


Project crisis management

Word count 2660


Importance of key decision making and Critical success factors (CSF) in crisis situation
The support project manager be able to draw from the host organization
Tools and techniques to support decision making
Communication plan that involve key stakeholders
Crisis of CSR project of Hemas Holdings

Additional information

Table of Contents

Executive Summary
Importance of key decision making and Critical success factors (CSF) in crisis situation
The support project manager be able to draw from the host organization
Tools and techniques to support decision making
Communication plan that involve key stakeholders
Crisis of CSR project of Hemas Holdings


Executive Summary

Even though crisis is something could happen rarely, now crises have become common thing that organizations face. Therefore this report comprehensively discussed about the crisis management practices in the project. This report discuss the critical success factors in crisis situation. Further here it is discussed the how organization need to support project manager to minimize the impact and likelihood of the crisis. Many tools and techniques can be used before the crisis to prevent it and improve the decision making process. These techniques help to improve the speed of response and maintain proper communication system in crisis situation. Secondary date such as journal article, subject related books have been used to prepare this report. Further practical experience of the crisis and how to manage it has been described here to learn lessons through it.


A crisis is an unexpected thing, however it deliver a great learning opportunity for an organization. The word of crisis suggest things happen occasionally. However organizations need to always stay prepare. This report will be extensively analysis the crisis control practices and crisis project management models which organizations can apply in crisis situations in the project to minimize the impact. Crisis can come different ways such as financials, technological, natural disasters, public relations etc. Whatever happen, project team need to prepare for these crisis situation and there should be steps to take before, during and after the crisis to prevent it or minimize the damage. In the project, there can be happened lack of time and resources, technological errors or resist from the community commonly. But it becomes crisis when these issues couldn’t manage or out of control (Maylor, 2006). Therefore issues need to be managed before it becomes crisis. On the other hand, there can be completely unexpected crisis such as natural disasters. Therefore there need to be lot of preparation for crisis and organization, project manager and project team need to contribute to face the crisis.