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Strategic Business Management


Strategic Business Management

Word Count 3012


  • Evaluate and reflect on the influences driving demand and managing and creating demand through strategic management
  • Critically assess how the strategic position, choice, and strategy implementation ensure growth and stability of the firm.
  • To analyze relationship among Corporate Mission and strategic levels – Corporate, Business and Operational levels.
  • Identify different types of strategic change programs and assess the value of leadership and the influence of culture in managing strategic change.

Task 1

  1. Critically analyse the terms strategic position, strategic choice, and strategy in action. How does analyzing the organization’s internal and external environments help determining the said three concepts? [20 marks]
  2. How do strategic capabilities and competitive advantage(s) contribute to achieve sustainable growth? [20 marks]


Task 2

Provide a critical review of the following two statements:

  1. “Mission of the organization should unify the corporate level, business level, and operational level strategies of an organization. However, there are external and internal reasons which often create contradictions among the three levels of strategies during the strategy in action” [10 marks]
  2. “Resistance to change is natural. Organizations often fail in implementing change management programs due to, among other reasons, internal resistance. The key to achieve success in change management programs is to address the human issues and the cultural landscape within the organization.” [10 marks]


Task 3

The strategic purpose of an organization consists of its governing structure, stakeholder expectations, social responsibility and ethics.

  1. What are the crucial environmental factors you have to consider in designing the governing structure of the organization? [10 marks]
  2. Managers often consider social responsibility and ethics as a cost and tend to place less emphasis on them. This is an unproductive attitude but the managers who have a long-term view of the organization consider ethics and social responsibility as instruments of sustainable growth.” Critically review the above statement. [10 marks]

Task 4

  1. Critically evaluate how prudent organizational leadership address the two issues: (i) Passive culture, and (ii) negative attitudes towards team work? [10 marks]
  2. Globalization often promotes foreign investment, acquisitions and mergers. What are the issues that would crop up when two companies in differing cultures move into acquisition or merger? How would you resolve these issues? [10 marks]


Additional information

Table of Contents

Task 01
a) How organization’s internal and external environments support to determine strategic position, strategic choice and strategy in action.
b) How strategic capabilities and competitive advantage(s) contribute to achieve sustainable growth.

Task 02
a) Three level of strategies of the organization. 5
b) Resistance for change and achieve success of change management addressing the human issues and the cultural landscape within the organization.

Task 03
a) Key environmental factors need to be considered in designing the governing structure of the organization
b) Social responsibility and ethics as a cost or as instrument of sustainable growth.

Task 04
a) How prudent organizational leadership address the passive culture, and negative attitudes towards team work.
b) Cultural issues when two companies in differing cultures move into acquisition or merger and how to resolves those issues.
These issues should addressed early stage of integration. Cultural integration should be considered as major component of the process



Task 01

a) How organization’s internal and external environments support to determine strategic position, strategic choice and strategy in action.
Strategic position refers how an organization position itself in the market relatively to competitors. Strategic position of the organization reflects choices a company make how to deliver value its customers different to competitors (Grant, 2004). Strategic choice refers to the selection of the decisions which determine the future strategy of the organization (Hamel & Prahalad, 1996). Strategy in action means phase that organization implements its strategic plan (Daisz, 2017).
Considering strategic position, two main strategic positions are mapped by Porter (1980) which are cost leadership and differentiation. Companies need to choose these strategic positions based on internal environment factor such as resources and competencies, shareholder expectation and external environment factors such as competitors analysis and various political, economic, social, technological factors (Johnson & Scholes, 2005). Further, company’s strategic position can be developed based on resource based view or positioning view (Martin, 2015). In positioning view, objectives and strategies are developed focusing on external environment consists with competitors and market analysis (Martin, 2015). In resource based view, company focuses on internal environment consists of unique resources and core competencies which competitors find hard to copy (Martin, 2015). Thus, according to different marketing models, it is cleared that internal and external environment assist to determine strategic position.
Strategic choices are made based on factors such as attitude of management to take risks, environmental constraints, competitors’ reactions, unique resources and core competencies (Hamel & Prahalad, 1996). Further, strategic choices are made based on positioning view and resource based view (Martin, 2015). Thus, both internal and external environment assist to determine strategic choice.
Strategy in action focuses on implement strategies to achieve desired objectives. Company develops KPIs to achieve objectives considering external environments (Grant, 2004). On the other hand, external factors such as skills, knowledge, attitude, behavior, value will be used to implement strategies (Daisz, 2017).
Thus, both internal and external environment assist to determine strategic position, strategic choice and strategy in action.