Strategic Professional Development Plan


Strategic Personal Development Plan

Word Count 2204


A Strategic Professional Development Portfolio (PDP)
Professional development plans are commonly used in management. There are many ways to craft development plans as you will know, 360 degree feedback, various psychometric tests, inventories etc.
This PDP is different and focuses on your development and goals as a manager – hence this is a professional development plan. The purpose is to relate the academic content of the module to your professional (managerial) goals. More specifically, in the context of this module, it is only based around the “how do you fit the design” series of tests (don’t use any other tests, inventories such as Belbin etc).

To help you to reflect and craft your PDP it will be necessary to complete the “How Do You Fit the Design” self-assessment exercises included in each chapter of your textbook (Daft, 2015) and incorporate your reflection on these self-assessments into your PDP.
As with the project, the PDP will be incrementally developed as soon as you begin the module over the course of the 4-5 weeks. The tests are not specifically related to the chapters content so can be taken as early as possible because they relate to how you currently are.

You will craft interim components (which you may be asked to present or discuss in some form during the seminars).

The PDP will have following main sections

1 – Introduction (up 500-750 words on critical evaluation of personal development plans)
2 – A critical reflection of what the self-tests are showing (circa 1500 words). Split this into 2 sub-sections. A reflection on how the various tests holistically have been informative in your understanding of you as a manager, and then something more focused on the areas for development that will be included in the action plan.

The action plan too needs to show thought having gone into it. Your tutor will be looking to see how reflective and realistic it is, how realistic and appropriate the development is, and how well it is presented (ie professionally laid out etc). You are advised to have one short (8-12 months), medium (12-24 months) and long term (2 years +) goals and their development.

The action plan is to be presented in a table format, with 3-4 columns for above areas. Use portrait paper format and smaller size font so that you capture everything on 1 page.

Additional information


1.0 Introduction

Having a self-awareness about our leadership and management skills will help us immensely to be better leaders and business managers. Leadership is all about influencing people towards the attainment of goals (Daft, 2014). The easiest way to achieve self-awareness is taking self-assessment tests to understand the current strengths and weaknesses of ourselves. This is the core purpose of this exercise. However, when developing a strategic professional development portfolio (PDP), it’s important to understand how these assessment findings could be incorporated into a comprehensive action plan to achieve the real growth or professional development.

1.1 Personal goals

I have identified following personal goals which are important to me within the next few years. The achievement of these personal goals will deliberately enhance the performance of my business as well.
• Developing my networking skills to expand the business globally
• Understanding the fundamentals of strategic goal setting and strategic planning
• Creating a highly effective corporate culture within the business and making sure it matches with my style
• Developing myself as a successful strategist and innovator to redefine the industry value proposition and thereby win global markets
In today’s competitive business world, change seems to be the most certain thing. The external rate of change is so high and business leaders should constantly update their business models accordingly. Hence, intuitiveness is important to take decisions based on the gut feeling. Some level of risk should be taken to achieve great things in both business and life. Thus, one should have a better self-analysis about his / her self. There are different techniques and tools which facilitate self-analysis such as psychometric tests, self-assessment libraries, 30 degree feedback, etc. The self-assessment kit titled “how do you fit the design” will be used as the base within this exercise.
Strategic management could be identified as one of the interesting disciplines which has a higher practical significance in both personal and business matters. According to Porter (1996), strategy is all about deliberately choosing to be different. Most businesses carry out a comprehensive strategic audit prior to the initiation of their strategic plans. Similarly, business leaders should also audit themselves (i.e. personality, motivation, self-confidence, task-orientation etc.) before initiating a professional development plan. This will help them to identify current gaps which need to be developed in facing the competition at a strategic level (Daft, 2015). The self-assessment kit can be identified as the main platform which facilitates the strategic professional development portfolio (PDP) and it clearly audits the different aspects of a one’s self which are crucial in planning the future career progress.
The Self-Assessment exercises introduced by Daft (2015) is a valuable tool to spot weaknesses in our profiles and take corrective actions to be better individuals with higher level of commitment and dedication. I carried out some of the tests which have a strategic importance to my career and found out few areas that need be developed to expand my horizons and deliver better results. According to the Daft (2014), people can develop leadership traits once they develop with more experience and knowledge. Being self-aware of your weaknesses and strengths is the starting point.
Having identified the importance of self-assessment and professional development, the next few sections of the report will focus on the key leadership aspects which are strategically important for my professional development. The self-assessment results of the following areas will be discussed below.
• Personal networking
• Are you ready to fill an international role?
• Is goal setting your style?
• What size organization for you?
• Corporate culture preference
• Are you innovative?
• Political Skills