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Training and development program – EY Australia


Training and development program – EY Australia

Word count 3218


Design and develop an in-house training program to address the training and / or development needs of EY

Table of Contents

1.0 Organization
1.1 Company overview
1.2 Background
1.3 Importance of understanding training gaps and offering training & development opportunities
2.0 Participants
2.1 Advantages of the training and development program for EY Australia
3.0 Program plan
3.1 Summary of training program plan
3.2 Objectives of training program
3.3 Instruction for the trainers
3.4 Evaluation of the training program
4.0 Resources and support required
4.1 Possible cost for the training program
5.0 Possible barriers
5.1 Overcoming barriers

Additional information



EY Australia has been introduced new systems and processes to automate and improve efficiency of current routine processes. However employees are complaining that introduced new processes are not practical and it cause to demotivate employees. The objective of this study is to plan an in-house training program for EY Australia. Secondary data such as industry related books, journal articles, researches have been used to conduct this study. This report will comprehensively analysis the training objectives, training methods, participants, required resources, estimated cost, evaluation methods, challenges and how to overcome those challenges.

1.0 Organization

1.1 Company overview
EY (Ernest & Young) is among one of among “Big Four” accounting firm in the world. EY provides many professional services such as assurance, tax advisory, consulting, financial advisory and legal services. EY provides its services all over the world. EY operates in Australia and its premises locate in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, Adelaide and Canberra. EY Australia’s vison is “Building a better working world” aligned with EY global vision. The company offers advisory servicers regarding mergers, acquisitions, valuation, financial security risks, actuarial, human resource management etc. EY Australia has been won third place in top 10 employer in the Australian Work Place Equality Index (AWEI).

1.2 Background

EY Australia has implemented new work processes and systems which reduce most of the manual processes and work and routine activities. However there were various complaints regarding the practicability of the new processes from employees throughout the process implementation. The higher management had not given adequate attention this issues and also not properly communicated the process changes and not properly train employees to new processes. This has led to improve the employee turnover in all level of the organization. Even some high level managers has left the organization. Many employees has started to join with competitors of the EY. This has identified as main risk of the company since it leads to move knowledge base of EY to other competitors.