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Case study – The impact of international assignments on expatriate family


Case study – The impact of international assignments on expatriate family

Word count 4189


“Just another move to China? The impact of international assignments on expatriate family”
The case covers family issues during expatriation, including the trailing spouse, dual-career issues, third culture kids, family finances, and career expatriates. The case outlines the challenges of the MacDougall family as they completed relocating to China, their third international move in 12 years. The objectives of the case is to highlight that expatriation become more complex when families are involved, in terms of decision making, and the longer term implications of continuous global mobility.
This report examines and addresses the following issues:
1. Critically analyse of how the MacDougall family represent a rare and valuable resource to a multinational firm.
2. A reflection on cultural differences, and how differently Lisa’s dual career trailing spouse journey can be approached?
3. A Critical analysis of the likely impact another move to Shanghai will have on Amelia and Emily.
4. An evaluation of the implications of international mobility on the MacDougall’s marriage

Additional information

Table of content

Executive summary
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Case study analysis
2.1 Analysis of how the MacDougall family represent rare and valuable resource to a multinational firm.
2.2 A reflection of cultural differences and how differently Lisa’s dual career journey can be approached.
2.3 A critical analysis of the impact another move to Shanghai will have an Amilia and Emily
2.4 An evolution of the implications of international mobility on the MacDougall’s marriage
3.0 Conclusion
4.0 Recommendations


Executive summary

Currently, due to globalization and significant development of the business, international human resource management play a key role in the global business world. In 1960s, there were only 73 million expatriates and it has been increased to 230 million in 2013. Therefore, multinational companies put special attention for these individuals and their families. These companies and some institute conduct many programs targeting them to share the knowledge and encourage them.
This study is based on the article titled “Just another move to China? The impact of international assignments on expatriate family”. The article is about the MacDougall family and their journey throughout few different international assignments. There are four purpose of this study. This study analyze how these kind of families are become rare and valuable resources to multinational enterprises. This study explain how Lisa: the wife can be approached differently as trailing spouse. Further, this study discuss how international mobility can affect to third culture kids and also how international mobility impact to marriage life. There are more positive aspects and some negative aspects of international mobility. However, well-educated and experienced expatriates are rare and valuable human resource for the multinational companies.

1.0 Introduction

Modern working life is completely affected by globalization and virtual technologies. The annual value of international trade has been increased significantly in recent past. Therefore, demand for expatriate employees has been also increased with the international businesses. Expanding global operations bring new challenges and also new opportunities to employees who works in international companies and their families. Financial perspective, international assignments is a good opportunity to get higher income and it’s a good learning opportunity. However, it also can negatively impact to the family life and personal relationships.
This study discuss how international assignment and expatriate life affected to MacDougalls’ family. MacDougalls have been on number of international assignments in different places within last 12 years; Chicago, Philadelphia and Singapore. However, new assignment in China has put the family in difficult position since Lisa, the wife has found job in Singapore after long time and now she focus on her career development and also two daughters are already attached to the life style of Singapore. Further, they have permanent residency in Singapore.
This study includes four sections which discuss four key purposes of the case study and also provide recommendations. Further, secondary sources such as journal articles and industry related books has been referred to conduct this study.