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Organizational or team analysis and report – Hemas Holdings


Organizational or team analysis and report – Hemas Holdings

Word count 2598


You are required to undertake an analysis of your organization or team (or an organization or team that you know well) in order to apply the theories and concepts you have been learning about in LMDP, as well as make recommendations for improvement consistent with your analysis.

Additional information

Table of Contents

Executive summary
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Overview of Risk and Control department
2.1 Vision, Mission and the scope
2.2 Current team structure
3.0 The required leadership traits and characteristics
3.1 Personality traits
3.2 Leadership motives
3.3 Cognitive intelligence
4.0 Culture of the team
5.0 Transformation leadership role in the team
5.1 Idealized influence
5.2 Individualized consideration
5.3 Intellectual stimulation
5.4 Inspirational motivation
6.0 Team Motivation
7.0 Recommendations
8.0 Conclusion


Executive summary

This study will be comprehensively analyzed how to apply leadership and management development theories to the selected team. Here Risk and control department of Hemas Holding PLC has been selected as a team to apply the relevant theories. This team has able to reach significant position of the company within very short time period. Therefore in this study it will be discussed leadership traits and characteristic which cause to success of the team. Further this will discuss on team structure, team culture and dynamics and also how to motivate the team members. And also this will highlight the areas need to be improved and recommend to how to rectify the issues. Secondary data such as journal article, company information and study texts have been used to conclude this report.

1.0 Introduction

Hemas Holding PLC is one of the largest conglomerate in Sri Lanka which operates in FMCG, pharmaceuticals, leisure, mobility, healthcare and etc. Hemas is found in 1948 and within 70 years it has become one of leading public listed company in Sri Lanka. In 2017, Hemas became 7th position of in most respected organization in Sri Lanka.
Risk and control department is one of department in Hemas Holdings which conduct Internal Audits, Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), Business Continuity Plan (BCP) and compliance. Hemas Risk and Control department started five years before and there was only two employees to conduct basic internal audit activities. However new General Manger was recruited for Hemas Risk and Control department to revitalize the department. After 5 years, Risk and Control department has become one of main department in Hemas corporate office which has approximately 20 employees. Further it has spread all over the organization and conduct many functions in the organization. This report is comprehensively discussed leadership and management development theories and concepts which apply to Hemas Risk and control.

2.0 Overview of Risk and Control department

2.1 Vision, Mission and the scope

Vision of Hemas Holding is to being leader in leisure, wellness and mobility sectors. Therefore vision of Risk and Control department is to support to SBUs to achieve their vision. Mission of Hemas Holding is to passionately deliver outstanding products and services to enrich their
customers’ life. Therefore Risk and control department also need to align with company mission and need to support SBUs to provide better services and products. Risk and Control comply with standards of International Institute of Internal Auditors and its code of conducts: integrity, confidentially, objectivity and competency.