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Human Resource Challenges of Banking Sector in Post Pandemic Period – Sampath Bank PLC


Human Resource Challenges in Banking Sector in Post Pandemic Period – Sampath Bank PLC.

Word Count 3648


The Pandemic has brought about uncertain times in many organizations. While for some it has been productive but for many a time of constant challenges.
Identify a Sri Lankan public quoted company or a private organization, which employs more than 100 staff. Identify the top 3 challenges they could face post-pandemic in the field of people and organization. Justify the reasons as to why the challenges are a priority to be handled in order for the business to sustain itself. Critically analyze the challenges the organization faces and the causes in regard to staff turn-over.

You as an organization development professional, what would be the recommendation and solution you would provide that could help the organization to overcome its challenges.
Note: Your analysis should be based on the secondary data collection methods
Critically evaluate,
1. The identified challenges
2. The applicability of theories in analyzing the situation and challenges
3. The recommendations and how it would help to overcome the challenges

Assessment criteria
1. Introduction to the organization (10%)
2. Identification and justification of potential organizational challenges – (25%)
3. Depth and understanding of the subject in relevance to application of theories in analysis – (15%)
4. A practical solution and approach to overcome the challenges identified in the organization – (20%)
5. An appropriate logical conclusion – (10%)
6. Format and flow of the report – (10%)
7. Proper and current referencing – (10%)

Additional information

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction

2.0 Key challenges of Sampath bank in post pandemic.
2.1 Mental health issues of employees in post pandemic.
2.2 Possibility of high employee turnover and difficulty to attract new talents due to increasing number of migration.
2.3 Continuation of training and development considering learning gaps occurred during pandemic.

3.0 Recommendations
3.1 To mitigate the outcomes of poor mental health of employees in post pandemic.
3.2 To reduce employee turnover and attract new talents.
3.3 Improve training and development

4.0 Conclusion



Executive summary

The covid-19 pandemic leads to economic recession and it has negatively affected to the business operations. Therefore, during post pandemic, many organization will face many challenges in the process of recovering. The key objective of this study is to identify the key challenges of Sampath bank during post pandemic. This report identifies three key challenges. Further, this report recommends action plans to overcome these challenges.
Keeping mental health of employees properly would be one of key challenge during post pandemic. There is high possibility that employees suffered from mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, insomnia and post-traumatic stress disorder due to Covid-19 pandemic. To prevent poor mental health in workplace, it is recommended to improve awareness of mental health among employees, improve communication and develop social support system to assist employees. Further, it would be challenge for bank to retain existing talents as a result of high employee turnover due to increasing number of migration. To overcome this challenge, it is recommended to offer competitive salaries to employees, offer flexibility and provide opportunities to career development to retain employees. Further, this study also recommends to develop succession plan for relevant employees to minimize the impact of employee turnover. Bank couldn’t continue learning and development programs during pandemic. Therefore, it would be challenge to fill the learning gap in post pandemic. . Bank need to allocate additional resources to conduct this and need to focus on techniques, facilities, locations and trainers. Sampath bank has ability to overcome those challenges by following recommended action plans.

1.0 Introduction

COVID-19 has created uncertainty in business world. Many organizations has faced many challenges during pandemic. With the reopening borders and rolling out of vaccination program, currently, country comes out worst of the pandemic. Employees had to work remotely for a long time and regular operations of the business were significantly affected due to many restrictions. However, organization would face major challenges during post pandemic too. There will be many challenges in the field of people and organization. This study comprehensively evaluates key challenges that Sampath Bank would face during post pandemic era.
Sampath Bank is one of the leading commercial banks in Sri Lanka which operates since 1986. Currently it offers fully fledged banking services including consumer banking, corporate banking, treasury service, development banking, global banking etc. Vision of the bank is to become the growing force in Sri Lankan financial services (Sampath bank, 2020). Sampath Bank employs more than 4000 employees. Employees’ skills, expertise and commitment that enables the bank to achieve its corporate objectives and implement business strategy. Regarding people and organization values play important role. Values of the bank focuses on uncompromising ethical and professional standards of behavior, creating a learning culture that promotes individual and organizational development and also promoting innovation and value for customers, monitor and demonstrate an impressive commitment to results, treat all stakeholders respectfully, encourage and promote teamwork and open to feedback and determine an enthusiasm for professional development (Sampath bank, 2020).
This study identifies key three challenges of Sampath bank during post pandemic era and the applicability of theories in analyzing the situation and challenges. Finally, this study recommends solutions to overcome those identified challenges.