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Social Entrepreneurship


Social Entrepreneurship

Word count 2294


1.0 Social entrepreneurship
2.0 Difference between social entrepreneurship and business entrepreneurship.
2.1 Value perception
2.2 Measure of Profitability
2.3 Approach to Wealth Creation
3.0 Character of Social entrepreneurs
4.0 Social entrepreneurs as a change agent
5.0 Examples for successful social entrepreneurship – Grameen Danone’s Social Business
6.0 Challenge of social entrepreneurship

Additional information


1.0 Social entrepreneurship

Social entrepreneurship is not a new concept to the business world. Taking entrepreneurial approach for social issues has been practiced since long time ago. However concept of social entrepreneurship has been changed time to time and now it has adopted according to new century. Social entrepreneurship can be defined as recognizing social issues achieving the social change by using entrepreneurial processes, principles and operations. The expected change may not achieve in short term it can be life time process focusing on the improvement from the current situation. Social entrepreneurship associate with the passion for social mission with the perspective of business like discipline, innovation and determination.

2.0 Difference between social entrepreneurship and business entrepreneurship.

Social entrepreneurship could be differentiated from business entrepreneurship in several perspectives. An entrepreneur could be identified as an individual who is keen on initiating change and discovering and exploiting new opportunities while exposing themselves to an increased level of risk of being an early adopter/trend setter. In contrast, a social entrepreneur could be identified as a subset of business entrepreneurs. While a business entrepreneur enhance the commercial business world, a social entrepreneur is more interested in developing the social conditions and infrastructure in the society (Dees, 2001).
Following factors furthermore provides a differentiation between business entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship.
2.1 Value perception
Main value driver for business entrepreneurs is the profitability and return on investment. Business entrepreneurs are typically responsible for managing the funds of the investor base of the company. Hence, these business entrepreneurs should focus on designing their product/service in such a manner that it would differentiate from the available product alternatives and create a distinguished place in the mind of the consumer. Main focus of any investor is to generate a sufficient return for their investments. Thus, ensuring sufficient returns for the investors of the company is one of the key value drivers of the business for a business entrepreneurs (Yunus, Moingeon, Lehmann-ortega.2009).
On the other hand, while profits are considered to be one of the value drivers for a social entrepreneurs, they also focus on the overall social welfare to the community.