Organizational Review in the Health and Social Care Sector – Leadership


Organizational Review in the Health and Social Care Sector – Leadership

Word Count 3634


You are carrying out an organisational review and need to analyse the challenges faced in the current Health and Social Care sector; identifying how you and other leaders in the organisation are responding. In your report you will also make recommendations in relation to practice and efficiency for leaders and their teams.

Prepare a report for stakeholders, in which you:
• Analyse how leadership theories can develop and maintain trust and accountability.
• Evaluate the challenges of leadership in the Health and Social Care sector
• Analyse how different leadership styles may influence outcomes.
• Assess the relevance of motivational theories to organisational performance in health and social care.
• Explore factors influencing motivation and performance in the Health and Social Care sector
• Analyse the impact of performance management on the success of Health and Social Care organisations.
• Analyse how own practice supports a positive culture in the organisation.
• Explain the features of effective teams.
• Analyse the different models of team leadership and their application to the Health and Social Care sector
• Explain how challenges to effective team performance can be overcome.
• Analyse how different management styles may influence outcomes of team performance.

Additional information

Table of Contents

1 Leadership Theories Health and Social Care Sector

2 Trust and Accountability

3 Achievement of Outcomes through the Different Leadership Theories and Styles

3.1 Transactional Leadership Style
3.2 Transformational Leadership Style
3.3 Great Man Theory of Leadership
3.4 Trait Theory of Leadership
3.5 Behavioral Leadership
3.6 Situational leadership
3.7 Contingency Theory of Leadership
3.8 Participative Leadership

4 Motivation and Organizational Performance of the Health and Social Care Sector

4.1 Content Theories of Motivation
4.1.1 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
4.1.2 Alderfer’s ERG Theory of Needs
4.1.3 McClelland’s Theory of Needs
4.1.4 Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory

4.2 Process Theories of Motivation
4.2.1 Vroom's Expectancy Theory
4.2.2 Adam’s Equity Theory
4.2.3 Reinforcement Theory

5 Performance Management in the Health and Social Care Sector

6 Positive Culture in the Health and Social Care Sector

7 Team Performance and Challenges for Effective Team

8 References


1 Leadership Theories Health and Social Care Sector

Health and Social Care Sector is connected with tough work schedule and tight time framework where they have to deal with patients. As a leading service sector in the world, it gives an enormous contribution and shows a good practice in terms of leadership and organizational performance.
Leadership is a needed skill to anyone in an organization to lead the organization to achieve its goals and objectives efficiently and effectively. Leadership can be defined as an ability of getting things done through people or an art of getting the job done through followers of subordinates at the right time. This may be applicable to any sort of organization either profit-oriented or non-profit-oriented. To accomplish organizational long term, middle term or short term goals, organization must have a strong and productive leadership, led by a good leader who motivates all other employees are willing to work always (Ahmed, 2016).

2 Trust and Accountability

Trust and accountability can be considered as the main branches of a big tree. If one branch goes wrong or poor, the entire tree is not strong and becomes weak.
When it come to the Health and Social Care Sector, the trust between leader and the follower is important to build a long lasting and string relationship between leader and the follower. Otherwise, follower would not like to work with the leader and he or she will soon leave the leader. Trust links the bond between leader and the follower (Ghenta, 2015).. When follower does not trust the leader, follower does not like to do anything assigned by the leader. Leader also is not in a position to get the work done through the follower when follower does not like to the leader. On other hand, leader also should be able to trust the follower because follower should be able to deliver the expected outcome by the leader with a minimum supervision (Ahmed, 2016).
Accountability is also another concept going parallel with the trust (Haque & Shamimul, 2014). This means the obligation of the leader and the follower to protect or safeguard or adhere to the rules and regulations of the bond or the relationship that both of them agreed upon at the beginning of the work. For an example, when a project starts to be done, leader gives a set of rules, regulations and procedures to be followed by the follower. And, both parties agreed upon the adherence of such rules. The obligation no to break these rules, regulations and procedures is the accountability. If we discuss this one from leader’s perspective, it can be stated that leader must be ethical enough not to change any statement of these agreed rules following his or her authority than the follower. On other hand, follower also should not do anything beyond these frame of rules and follower should not misuse these rue system for the private agendas (Ghenta, 2015).