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Human Resource Management in Organizational Context – Ernst & Young


Human Resource Management in Organizational Context – Ernst & Young

Word count 5408



The intent of this assignment is to assess the participants’ ability to comprehend the
key aspects of Strategic Human Resource Management and apply such in an
organizational context in a meaningful manner.

Select a company of your choice where there is an established Human
Resource Department. Study and analyze the current HR policies and best
HR practices in the organization including critical discussion on the following

 HR Strategies
 Human Resource Planning
 Ethical and Legal issues in developing HR policies
 Leadership


• Company vision and mission, as they are stated or implied Business strategies in
general, leading to specific HR strategies
• Strengths and shortcomings of existing HR activities and recommendations as
• HR performance indicators such as absenteeism, turnover etc. (wherever available
and appropriate)


• Table of Contents (Such as figures and tables)
• Executive Summary
• Introduction
o Literature Review
o Current practices
• Issues and shortcomings in current practices
• Recommendations
• Conclusion
• References

Additional information

Table of Contents

Executive summary
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Literature review
3.0 Current practices
3.1 Vision and mission of EY and impact to HRM
3.2 Current HR practices
3.2.1 Recruitment and selection
3.2.2 Performance management
3.2.3 Learning and development
3.2.4 Reward management
3.2.5 Employee engagement
4.0 Shortcoming of current practices
5.0 Recommendations
6.0 Conclusion


Executive summary

The key objective of this assignment is to analyze and evaluate the Human Resource policies and HR practices of Ernest and Young Global Limited (EY). EY is one of leading professional services firm in the world which is considered as one of “Big Four” accounting firm. As a Multi-National Company (MNC), HRM plays significant role in EY. International Human Resource Management (IHRM) is different to HRM of local company. This study focuses on convergence and divergence approach of HRM in MNC. EY follows both methods to maintain consistency of the best practices and adopt according to local conditions.
This study comprehensively analyze the processes such as recruitment and selection, performance management, learning and development, reward management and employee management. Considering recruitment and selection, large number of expatriates are working in the company different part of the world. EY put special attention to manage expatriates. LEAD is common platform which EY use across the world for learning and development and performance management. Learning and development is the most significant part of HRM which company provide the highest priority. EY tech MBA, EY badges are the key learning and development program EY follows globally.
However, this report also finds some shortcomings of HRM practices such as maintaining same quality level in every markets and health and wellbeing of expatriates. Further new technology has been replaced certain role of professional service providers, therefore clients expect different role from them. This study also made recommendations to overcome these issues and improve company’s performances further.

1.0 Introduction

EY is one of the largest professional service provider in the world which operates more than 150 countries. Fortune magazine has included EY into the top 100 companies to work, continuously last 22 years. It is ranked at no. 2 in top 50 the most attractive employers in the world according to Universum (EY, n,d). “Building better working world” is the theme of the It provides professional services such as auditing, risk management, financial advisory, taxation, business consultancy, IT, legal services etc. EY’s international operation is structured into five parts called EMEIA based on geographical areas; Americas, Europe, Middle East, India and Africa, Asia pacific and Japan. There are 28 sub units under these main structures. There are regional managing partners to lead operation in different geographical regions, they are also members of global executive board. In every country which EY operates, there is a separate organization structure under country managing partner. There are occasions which one country managing partner is appointed for more than one country. Organization maintains similar organization structure in every country. When it comes to HRM, EY maintain similar practices throughout the world, however, there are separate HR departments in every country to conduct administration. Currently, EY operates more than 700 offices across the world and approximately 300,000 employees are working there (EY, n.d).
Company provides professional services to ensure trust and assurance of capital markets and different industries by supporting sustainability and inclusive economic growth. Company has developed exceptional leaders throughout the world and its HRM mainly focuses on developing leaders by enhancing knowledge, skills and experience. Thus, HRM of EY is significant in global context which provide the best practices to the sector. As a service organization which mainly offers knowledge, EY should have clear strategies and polices to manage its human resources.
Before evaluate the practices of the organization, it is importation to review the industry related knowledge. Academic books and journal articles are referred in literature review to understand the key areas of HRM.